Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Fear Kills More Dreams Than Failure Does


Nobody can be absolute fearless. If you have desire in life, if you have attachments with someone it is natural that you will be in fear. Fear of loosing someone, fear of not fulfilling the desire etc. Fear is always the imagination of what had happen in past and what is going to happen in future. Fear of exams, fear of breakups, fear of stage, fear of dying, fear of loosing, fear of falling, fear of speaking etc. Fear doesn't exist in reality, its only exist in our brain.

The main disadvantage of fear is that it stops us to try things. We fear of audience responses before performing on a stage, we fear of society before taking a bold decision, we fear of rejection before approaching someone, we fear of failing before appearing in exams, we fear of making mistakes before speaking a new language and In short, we fear of failure before trying.

The only way to overcome your fear is Live in Reality, Do whatever is required to achieve your goals, Stop imagining the future consequences. Never afraid to fail.

Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai.

Good Luck !!