Monday, April 20, 2020

Importance of SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for -

S - Strengths

W - Weaknesses

O - Opportunities

T - Threats

In any aspect of life, this SWOT analysis is going to put you ahead of others. Whether it is your Professional Life or your Personal Life. It is definitely going to benefit you. All that you need to do is that Give some time to yourself and do a SWOT Analysis.

The main objective of SWOT analysis is to find your -

1. Strengths - What are you good at ? What are the Resources/ Skills do you have that others don't ? What others see in you as your strength ?

2.Weaknesses - What are the situations where you break down ? What are the Skills/ Resources that you lack ? What Makes you stop doing anything ? What demotivates you ? How could you overcome/ Improve ?

3. Opportunities -How your strengths can become your opportunity ? What are different opportunity that you can take advantage of ? How can you become the Expert of your Field/ Skills ? How can you take opportunity of the current trend ?

4. Threats - How could your weaknesses can become your Threats ? Could your competitor can become a Threat to you ? What can go wrong in Future ? Are you keeping yourself updated ?

Take the help of below Chart to do a SWOT Analysis

When you know your STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS, you can plan more efficiently how to positively move forward in life. You will know the areas where more work need to be done. It will help overcome your negativity and motivate you to achieve your Goal.

Good Luck !!